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2022-04-11 16:43  

【姓名】王高军Wang Gaojun

【职称】副教授 Associate professor

【职务】教师   Teacher




2011.9-至今 绍兴文理学院,化学化工学院,副教授,硕士生导师

2010.6-2011.8美国University of ArkansasDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry andDepartment of Electrical Engineering UAF WiNS Laboratory访问学者和博士后,(导师:Vijay K. Varadan教授)

2008.9-2011.6 南京林业大学理学院教师

2005.9-2008.6 复旦大学,化学系,博士,(导师:吴宇平教授)

2002.9-2005.6 湘潭大学化学化工学院,研究生(导师:苏光耀教授)

1991.7-2002.8 江苏省泗阳高级中学化学教师






1. 20XX-20XX,参与/主持国家社科重大项目(编号),已结题/在研

2.20092012 主持/江苏省自然科学基金(BK2010567),已结题


4.20162021主持/浙江省重点工业项目(2015C01002), 在研



1. Wang GJ* Fu LJ,  Zhao NH,  Yang LCWu YP

Wu HQAn aqueous rechargeable lithium battery with good cycling performanceAngewandte chemie-international edition2007.

2. G.J. Wang*, N.H. Zhao, L.C. Yang, Y.P. Wu, H.Q. Wu, R. HolzeCharacteristics of an aqueous rechargeable lithium battery (ARLB) Electrochimica Acta2007.

3. G.J. Wang*, H.P. Zhang, L.J. Fu, B. Wang, Y.P. Wu, Aqueous rechargeable lithium battery (ARLB) based on LiV3O8 and LiMn2O4 with good cycling performance,Electrochemistry Communications ,2007.

4.G.J. Wang*, J. Gao, L.J. Fu, N.H. Zhao, Y.P. Wu, T. Takamura, Preparation and characteristic of carbon-coated Li4Ti5O12 anode material, Journal of Power Sources,2007.

5.G.J. Wang*, Q.T. Qu, B. Wang, Y. Shi, S. Tian, Y.P. Wu, R. Holze, Electrochemical intercalation of lithium ions into LiV3O8 in an aqueous electrolyte, Journal of Power Sources,2009.

6.G.J. Wang*, Q.T. Qu, B. Wang, Y. Shi, S. Tian, Y.P. Wu, R. Holze, Electrochemical behavior of LiCoO2 in a saturated aqueous Li2SO4 solution,Electrochimica Acta,2009.

7. Gaojun Wang *, Linfeng Chen, Gyanesh N. Mathur,Vijay K. Varadan, Lithium Vanadium Oxides (Li1+xV3O8) as Cathode Materials in Lithium-Ion Batteries for Soldier Portable Power Systems, Nanosensors, Biosensors, and Info-Tech Sensors and Systems 2011.

8.Gaojun Wang*,  Linfeng ChenGyanesh N. Mathur, Vijay K. Varadan, Sol-Gel Synthesis of Lithium Trivanadate (Li1.2V3O8) Nanoparticles for their Applications as Cathode Active Materials in Lithium Ion Batteries, Smart Nanosystems in Engineering and Medicine,2012.

9.Gaojun Wang*, Linfeng Chen, Gyanesh N. Mathurb,  Vijay K. Varadan, Lithium Iron Phosphates as Cathode Materials in Lithium Ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles, Nanosensors, Biosensors, and Info-Tech Sensors and Systems, 2012.

10.Gaojun Wang*,Qunting Qu,Bin Wang, Yi Shi, Shu Tian, Yuping Wu, An Aqueous Electrochemical Energy Storage System Based on Doping and Intercalation: Ppy//LiMn2O4,Chemphyschem,2008.

11.G. J. Wang & L. C. Yang & Q. T. Qu & B. Wang &Y. P. Wu & R. Holze,An aqueous rechargeable lithium battery based on doping and intercalation mechanisms, J Solid State Electrochem,2010.

12. , 卓泽旭, Ibinewo Michael, 刘志凤, 王高军*,PPy包覆 LiMn2O4 作为水系锂离子电池中的正极材料,广州化工,2019.

13. 丁 伟, 王林霞, 胡天阳, IBINEWO Michael王高军*,聚吡咯作为水系锂离子电池的负极材料, 电源技术, 2019


1. 一种掺杂硫元素富锂锰酸锂材料及其制备方法ZL201410774626.8,中国发明专利。


3.一种Na2Mn8O16/Mn2O3复合材料的制备及其电化学性能的测试方法,ZL 01910090432.9,中国发明专利.


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