1.Yao Li; Moritz von der Luehe; Felix H. Schacher; Jun Ling; 3‑Miktoarm
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2.Yao Li. et al, Block polypeptoids: Synthesis, characterization and response toward irradiation with UV light and temperature, Macromolecules 2020, 53, 5218-5226.
3.Yao Li; Felix H. Schacher; Jun Ling; Synthesis of Polypeptoid-Polycaprolact one-Polytetrahydrofuran Heterograft Molecular Polymer Brushes via a Combination of Janus Polymerization and ROMP, MacromolecularRapid Communications, 2019, 40(7): 1800905-1800905.
4.Yao Li; Tianwen Bai; Yifan Li; Jun Ling; Branched Polytetrahydrofuranand Poly(tetrahydrofuran-co-ε-caprolactone) Synthesized by JanusPolymerization: A Novel Self-Healing Material, Macromolecular Chemistry andPhysics, 2016, 218: 201600450-201600450.
5.Wenwen Chen. Chenze Qi.Yao Li*. Hongyu Tao*, The degradation investigation of biodegradable PLA/PBAT blend: Thermal stability, mechanical properties and PALS analysis, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2020, 180.