2020.1-至今 绍兴文理学院,化学化工学院,副教授,硕士生导师
2015.7-2019.12 绍兴文理学院,化学化工学院,讲师,硕士生导师
2010.9-2015.6 华南理工大学,化学化工学院,博士(导师:王海辉教授)
2006.9-2009.7 武汉工程大学,化工与制药学院,学士
1. 2018-2020,主持国家自然科学青年基金(21706160),在研
2. 2018-2020,参与浙江省国家自然科学青年基金(21706160),已结题
3. 2016-2019,主持绍兴文理学院科研启动项目一项(20175003),已结题
4. 2017-2018,主持绍兴文理学院校级科研项目(2015LG1004),已结题
1. Y Huang, Q Zhang, Q Liao, Y Chen, X Yan, X Guo, W Lang, Influence of Cr doping on hydrogen permeation performance of lanthanum tungstate membrane, Separation and Purification Technology, 262 (2021) 118333
2. Y Huang, G Shi, Q Liao, Y Chen, X Yan, X Guo, W Lang, Development of Mn and Mo double-substituted La5.5WO11.25-δ based membranes with enhanced hydrogen permeation flux, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2021.04.054
3. Q Liao, D Zou , W Pan, W Linghua, R Shen, X Li, A M. Asiri, K A. Alamry, G Sheng , L Zhan, X Wu: Highly efficient capture of Eu(III), La(III), Nd(III), Th(IV) from aqueous solutions using g-C3N4 nanosheets, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 252 (2018) 351–361
4. Q Liao, W Pan, D Zou, R Shen,G Sheng, X Li, Y Zhu ,L Dong, A M. Asiri, K A. Alamry, W Linghu, Using of g-C3N4 nanosheets for the highly efficient scavenging of heavy metals at environmental relevant concentrations, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 261 (2018) 32–40
5. Q Liao, L Zhuang, Y Wei, J Xue, H Wang, High oxygen permeation through A-site deficient K2NiF4+δ -type oxide hollow-fiber membrane, Ceramics International, 44 (2018) 10852 –10857
8. L Dong, Q Liao, W Linghu, Y Huang, R Shen, A Alsaedi, J Wang, T Hayat, G Sheng, Application of EXAFS with a bent crystal analyzer to study the pH-dependent microstructure of Eu(III) onto birnessite, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 6 (2018) 842 –848
9. K Chang, X Li, Q Liao, B Hu, J Hu, G Sheng, W Linghu, Y Huang, AM. Asiri, K A. Alamry, Molecular insights into the role of fulvic acid in cobalt sorption onto graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide, Chemical Engineering Journal, 327 (2017) 320–327
10. Q Liao, Y Wang, Y Chen, H Wang, Novel cobalt-free tantalum-doped perovskite BaFe1−yTayO3−δ with high oxygen permeation, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 24 (2016) 339–344
11. Y Wei, Q Liao, Z Li, F Armin, J Caro, H Wang, Partial oxidation of methane in hollow-fiber membrane reactors based on alkaline-earth metal-free CO2-tolerant oxide, AIChE Journal, 60 (2015) 3587-3595
12. Y Chen, Q Liao, Li Z, H Wang, Y. Y. Wei, A Feldhoff, J Caro, A CO2‐stable hollow‐fiber membrane with high hydrogen permeation flux, AIChE Journal, 61 (2015) 1997-2007
13. Y Wang, Q Liao, Y Chen, L Zhuang, H Wang, Cobalt-free gadolinium-doped perovskite GdxBa1-xFeO3-δ as high-performance materials for oxygen separation, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 23 (2015) 1763–1767
14. Q Liao, Y Wang, Y Chen, Y Wei, H Wang: Novel Bifunctional Tantalum and Bismuth Co-Doped Perovskite BaBi0.5Co0.8Ta0.15O3-δ with High Oxygen Permeation, Journal of Membrane Science, 468 (2014) 184–191
15. Q Liao, Y Chen, Y Wei, L Zhou, H Wang, Performance of U-Shaped BaCo0.7Fe0.2Ta0.1O3-δ Hollow-Fiber Membranes Reactor with High Oxygen Permeation for Methane Conversion, Chemical Engineering Journal, 237 (2014) 146–152
16. 廖庆, 王海辉. 高透氧量A位缺陷的U型(Pr0.9La0.1)1.9Ni0.74Cu0.21Ga0.05O4+δ中空纤维膜的研究. 第八届全国膜与膜过程学术报告会论文集.
17. Y.J. Wang, Q. Liao, L.Y. Zhou, H.H. Wang, Oxygen Permeability and Structure Stability of a Novel Cobalt-Free Perovskite Gd0.33Ba0.67FeO3-δ, Journal of Membrane Science 457 (2014) 82-87.
18. J. Xue, Q. Liao, Y.Y. Wei, Z. Li, H.H. Wang, A CO2-tolerance oxygen permeable 60Ce0.9Gd0.1O2−δ–40Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3−δ dual phase membrane, Journal of Membrane Science 443 (2013) 124-130.
19. Y.Y. Wei, Q. Liao, J. Xue, Z. Li, H.H. Wang, Influence of SO2 on the phase structure, oxygen permeation and microstructure of K2NiF4-type hollow fiber membranes, Chemical Engineering Journal 217 (2013) 34-40
20. Y. Chen, Q. Liao, Y.Y. Wei, Zhong Li, H.H. Wang, A CO2 Stable K2NiF4-Type Oxide (Nd0.9La0.1)2(Ni0.74Cu0.21Al0.05)O4+δ for Oxygen Separation, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52 (2013) 8571-8578
21. Y.Y. Wei, Q. Liao, Z. Li, H.H. Wang, Enhancement of oxygen permeation through U-shaped K2NiF4-type oxide hollow fiber membranes by surface modifications, Separation and Purification Technology 110 (2013) 74-80
22. Q Liao, Q Zheng, J Xue, Y Wei, H Wang, U-Shaped BaCo0.7Fe0.2Ta0.1O3-δ Hollow-Fiber Membranes with High Permeability for Oxygen Separation, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 51 (2012) 15217–15223
23. Q. Zheng, J. Xue, Q. Liao, Y.Y. Wei, Z. Li, H.H. Wang, CO2-tolerant alkaline-earth metal-free single phase membrane for oxygen separation, Chemical Engineering Science, 101 (2013) 240-247